Thursday, June 04, 2009
As some of you know, this has been an eventful and sad week for Sarah and I. But, I wanted to make a quick post to catch everyone up on what has taken place.
I started out the week feeling very sick. After coming home from church on Sunday, I crashed. Stayed home from work on Monday (which I never do) and took 4 naps. Woke up Tuesday, didn't feel much better. Decided to stay home again.
Meanwhile, Sarah began to experience some bleeding.
What few people knew was that she was 9 weeks pregnant at the time. For various reasons, we hadn't shared our exciting news with many people, but had been celebrating for several weeks in our household. We were very excited to see our family expand at the end of 2009.
On Tuesday morning, Sarah quickly made an appointment to see our doctor who then sent her to get an ultrasound. The news wasn't good, and the outlook for a our little one looked bleak.
By Tuesday night, we were having a miscarriage. Ultimately, this adventure required a late-night ER visit, a middle of the night procedure, and a morning at the hospital.
In the end, we lost an already much-loved baby.
As a family, we are doing well. Obviously, we're sad and shaken by the loss, but we feel like God is providing for us all along the way. I am focusing much of my attention on taking care of my family. We have felt your prayers and support. Your love and encouragement has meant more to us than I can possibly capture in words. You are a treasure to us, more precious than all of the "stuff" that any one person can acquire.
Through it all, I can honestly say that our love and faith in Christ has not wavered. In fact, quite the contrary. It has been the loving, sustaining embrace of God that has carried us through each of the twists and turns. We feel blessed.
I know this is a short post, I just wanted to try to give everyone a quick update of where we're at. I hope to post some reflections later.
Grace and Peace,