Saturday, December 31, 2005
For quite some time, I've been fascinated by the world of Blogs, and have thought about creating one of my own. I don't really know what took me so long, but here I go. As a typically early adopter to new ideas, this space is long overdue.
My intentions are pretty simple. As a pastor, I've often thought that I should only teach about or speak on my polished theological ideas and constructs. However, as an outward thinker and processor, I think this self-imposed policy has often put unnecessary constraints on my own personal growth and development. So, I decided to create a blog where I can write about some of my thoughts, and hopefully engage in meaningful dialogue with others who both share some of my thoughts/opinions and also strongly disagree with what I have to say.
One of my favorite authors is Erwin McManus (definitely check out his books). He introduced the idea of friction/traction to me in his book An Unstoppable Force. Basically the idea is this: friction is the very thing that allows us to have traction. Most of us spend a great deal of our lives trying to avoid the friction of life. After all, friction many times brings with it a certain level of pain or discomfort. Unfortuntately, in doing so, we also avoid most of the prime opportunities we are afforded for traction. Just think about it: how often do you really grow as a person when everything is "just fine". That's not the way it tends to work. Friction is what allows us to have traction. Traction is in its simplest form an application of friction for positive purposes.
That's what I want this spot to be. A place where friction is embraced for the purpose of traction. Whether or not anyone reads this posting or not, it certainly will be that for me.
So, this is my disclaimer: if you want to read spiritual thoughts that are the same as you've always heard, this is not the place for you. If you want to have your complacency encouraged and supported, this is not the place for you. If you want to read opinions and thoughts that are completely processed and won't change as dialogue unfolds, this is not the place for you.
This is a place where processing supercedes teaching . . . a place where questions are as valued as answers . . . a place where authentic spiritual seeking is valued.
This is a new thing for me. I don't know how it's going to shape up or pan out. All I know is that it seems like a natural next step for me in my journey of life. Feel free to come along for the adventure. Tell me what you think. Share with me your opinion. Let's process life together.
This sounds pretty sweet to me. I'm up for thinking and challenging my thinkings. Andrew is really good about this kind of thing, he is very curious as to why people believe what they believe, and how that measures up to scriptures. so i really think you would enjoy talking with him.
I'm in.
One of the things I have learned at college is to ask questions...about why, about who, about it all. Over the past few months, there have been so many people asking me questions about my faith and me asking questions back even if the questions make me feel uncomfortable because I don't know the answer. The growth is amazing, and I will never stop asking questions! I also am letting you know that I am stealing your book list because I read The Barbarian Way and it made happy. That is all.
I finally caved into having my own blog as well, not at blogspot, but rather one choice I may end up regretting:
This is going to be fun, interesting, and above all, I hope something to help along anyone who makes contact who wants to follow hard after our Living Lord!
Catch you all soon/later...
-Andrea B
I found it interesting that you brought up the topic of friction. It seems that I've been facing that lately from some sources I would never expect it from. College is all about growing and "finding who you are." I feel as though my quest for that has not left the best taste in some people's mouths. It's been a long time since I've really chatted with you. I'm curious to hear how your life has been in the past months too. I'm looking forward to you blogging your thoughts.
-the other Allie
Wha wha wha whitney
Not that head hurting is always bad.
It's great to see you writing about something that is so close to my own heart. Our conversations about friction/conflict have been thought provoking and helpful. I am sure that this won't be the only topic you write about, and I do look forward to your future musings. Best of luck on this new adventure!