Thursday, October 16, 2008

No Fear - Day 11

So, I'm beginning to wonder if only the verses that I normally have read over are going to stand out to me. I suppose it makes sense that they would. I've read the book of John many times, but for whatever reason I feel like I have a different set of lenses this time.

Two related sections of John 11 stood out to me.

Then he said to his disciples, "Let us go back to Judea." "But Rabbi," they said, "a short while ago the Jews tried to stone you, and yet you are going back there?" -John 11:7-8

Then Thomas (called Didymus) said to the rest of the disciples, "Let us also go, that we may die with him." -John 11:16

In the midst of all the turmoil, of His life, Jesus has upset enough folks by threatening the status of power over people that they have tried to sieze him and have nearly stoned him to death. As this interaction is taking place, Jesus and his disciples are out of the immediate line of fire.

And here's Jesus, ready to head back into the center of the chaos.

That doesn't surprise me so much, I guess. After all, he's Jesus. I've come to expect bold, brave, and daring things from him.

But, the words of Thomas . . . those mess with me.

Thomas (and we don't see that any of the 12 argued with him) was willing to die, if that's what it meant to follow Jesus. For Thomas, it wasn't about safety or comfort. It was about obediently following his Master, the Messiah.

And I have to wonder, am I willing to follow Jesus to my own death? In my self-assured moments, I am apt to claim that this is the road that I'm willing to go down. But, I have to admit, I think it's a road that I secretly hope that I don't have to go down.

And I guess that makes sense, we are talking about living after all. But, I think death is as much of a metaphor as it is a reality. For instance, am I willing to follow Jesus in such a way that:

  • my financial security is at the risk of death?
  • my popularity and social status is at the risk of death?
  • my self-centered dreams and ambitions are at the risk of death?
  • my pride and carefully constructed public facade is at the risk of death?
I want to be a man that holds nothing back from Jesus . . . even if it means walking toward some type of death. I have a feeling I know which thing in my life He's leading me to place at the risk of death. (Which I will share some other day.)

What about you? What thing in your life might Jesus be leading you to place at the risk of death?


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