Saturday, November 15, 2008

Seizing Our Moments

"...the security that we often seek is not necessary to living life to the fullest. Sometimes it can actually become the greatest deterrent to seizing our divine moments."
-- Erwin McManus, Seizing Your Divine Moment

We're addicted to safety aren't we? For some reason, our default setting, as people, is to gravitate toward the predictable, the risk-free, and the secure. But, why?

What do we have to lose? Money? Status? Power?

I think the missing consideration for most of us is what are we putting at risk by choosing the safe path?

Is it possible that the most exciting, most fulfilling, most meaningful moments in our lives will only happen if we actually risk the things that we so often strive to protect?

These days, I'm seeking to seize the moments that God puts in front of me. I want to be available for the divine to unfold from what appears to be mundane. However, to do that, I have to be available. I have to be ready to take a chance. If I hold everything back, if I keep things risk-free, it is unlikely that I will ever experience the full life that God has for you and me.

So, here I go again. Hands and heart open, ready to seize the moments that cross my paths.

Will you join me in the adventure?


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