Monday, November 10, 2008


One of my critical shortcomings as a person is my tendency towards independence. All of my life, I have been a "do it yourself" type of guy.

Back in the school days, when a group project came about, I did a majority of the work, allowing many people to ride my coattails, so that I could get the grade I wanted. I didn't want to place any of the determining of my success on the shoulders of others.

As I transitioned into adulthood, the tendency remained. There weren't many goals that I set in life that I didn't figure out a way to achieve. The culture around me encouraged this behavior. (George Barna reports that 92% of Americans claim to be independent.) Earn it yourself. Achieve it yourself. Figure it out yourself. If you could do that, you're considered an "achiever" or "entrepreneur" or "go-getter". It becomes a slippery slope. Noble independence can easily become prideful, arrogant, and egotistical living.

The problem is, when you head down this path, there is a lot about life that is merely a charade. Truth be told, I don't know all that I need to know about almost any situation. There is always more wisdom and insight to gain. I don't have all of the skills I need to navigate life's twists and turns. There is still a lot of room in my toolbox for more life tools. I don't have all of the resources (time, talent, treasure) to address the obstacles in my path.

And I think God wants it to be this way.

I spent some time in the book of 1 Corinthians 12 this morning. Go ahead, read what it says.

I like the way that Craig Groeschel put it in his book It:

You can't experience it alone. God wants you to share it. And yet for so many, the goal is to be independent. These well-intentioned people fail to realize that to be independent is to be distinctly non-Christian.

The fact of the matter is this: I NEED You! It's true, I do. In every way, shape, and form my life will be at it's max when I am in an interdependent relationship with you and a dependent relationship with God. The same is true for you. You NEED Me. That's how God made us.

So, I'm opening my life up to more and more people. I'm being as real and honest as I know how to be. I'm trying to love others in a genuine and compassionate way. I'm putting myself out there, believing it's a better way to live. I know that will lead to some pain in my life. But, I think it will be worth it.

So, how about you? You living life independently? What if you could engage in real, authentic relationships with others? How would that change things?

1 Comment:

  1. Jon DeWitt said...
    I am in total agreement with you Ben. Independent living or Serving Me leaves little reward in life but Interdependent living and Serving Others, locking arms and marching together, is where I find PURE Joy. It's what He has called us to do! I NEED YOU AS WELL BEN STEARS!

    Revelation 12:11
    And THEY overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of THEIR testimony, and THEY did not love THEIR lives to the death.

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