Thursday, October 09, 2008

I hope you're being challenged and stretched as much in this journey as I am. Before I share my thoughts on John 4. I have to point you to my friend, Mary's post on what she's going to be trying as a part of this 21 Day journey. Click here to read about it. She inspires me.

Anyone else want to try her challenge? I'm considering it.

On to John 4 . . .

I had one clear thought stand out today, and it came from verses 13-19.

Jesus offers living water, water that will mean that she will never thirst again. And, strangely enough, he goes straight to her greatest thirst in life.

This woman comes to the well at noon, a time when nobody comes to the well likely due to the heat of the midday sun. Fetching water from the well and taking it home is tough work. But, she likely does this avoid the mumbled comments, sideways glances, and disapproval of others. If she went at a time when nobody else was there, she wouldn't have to be rejected . . . like she has been so many times before.

But, there's Jesus. And he asks her for a drink. Something that you wouldn't do unless you actually found that person valuable in some way. How long has it been since someone found her valuable?

Jesus then offers her living water, in other words: life.

When she asks how to get life, how does Jesus respond? He goes to her greatest place of shame. Go ahead, read it for yourself. How do YOU think she felt?

Here's my revelation this morning: God wants to give me life. And the path to that abundant, overflowing, never-ending life goes through my greatest shame.

The path to life travels directly through my lingering sense of insufficiency. The path to life travels directly through my lame attempts to be the husband and father that my wife and son deserve. The path to life travels directly through my dark, inner secrets.

What about you? Where is the path of life going to travel in your life?

I'm convinced that I will never experience the reality of the "no regrets" life that God has for me until I am willing to allow him to shine His light into the darkest corners of my life and expose the lies for what they are.

What do you think? Share your thoughts . . .

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    Thanks Ben! Not only for your inspiring words but for the link to Mary and her link! Very challenging! I need to process and go for either the $1 a day thing or the rice and beans. I think it would be powerful.

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