Tuesday, October 07, 2008

John 2

Day 2 of the 21 Day journey is here. As promised, I spent some time in John 2 this morning, and I wanted to share some of my thoughts. As always, I'd love to hear some of your thoughts as well. If you want to find out more about the 21 Day journey, go here, here, or here.

Before I begin, I just have to make a couple of observations:

  1. Does the interaction between Jesus and his mother (v.1-5) make anyone else smile?
    Here's Jesus, enjoying the wedding, and his mom comes along and gets him involved. He lovingly tells her that it's not his time yet. So, in classic motherly fashion, she turns to the servant and says, "Do whatever he tells you."

    There wasn't even a discussion!!! She knew that her son would just do what she said. Love it.
  2. After Jesus turns the water into wine (which apparently was very good wine), how many wedding invitations do you think he received? I mean . . . come on. That's a pretty handy dude to have on hand for the reception when your beverage options are likely either water or wine.

Alright, on to more "serious" reflections . . .

As I read today, there is one word that stood out to me: believe.

We're only two chapters in, and already we've seen that concept mentioned on 5 different occasions. I think John is trying to help us clue in on something.

The concept and thought process behind this word is more than just intellectual assent. It's more than just acknowledging with our minds that this or that is true. The idea of believe when we read it in the book of John is that of "adhering to, trusting in, relying on" Jesus. So, when it says in v.11 that his disciples believed in Jesus, it's saying that they trusted in Jesus. They adhered to His teaching. They were relying on Him.

The word shows up again in v. 23, but this time the context is believing in His name. Here's what I wrote in my journal this morning as I reflected on that statement:

"belived in His name"

That phrase still stands out to me, Lord. Your name captures the sum of who you are. Love. Truth. Almighty God. Wonderful Counselor. Prince of Peace. Lord of Lords. King of Kings. Everlasting God. Waymaker. Guide. Provider. Protector. Healer. Immanuel. Savior. Rock.

There are so many more names for You that describe who you are. In what ways do I fail to believe?

The reality that truly believing means to "adhere to, trust in, and rely on" is not lost on me. We have made believing such an intellectual exercise. When in reality believing is a matter of where we put our trust and confidence. What am I willing to stake my life on?

As for me and my house, we will serve, follow, and trust in teh Lord of Hosts. For His Kingdom never ends. His Kingdom will reign forever. His Kingdom will bring light to the world. Some may trust in horses, some may trust in chariots, but we will trust in the name of the Lord.

God, where do I lack trust? Where am I holding out?

How about you? Where are you holding out trust in God?


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