Sunday, February 26, 2006

Well, I'm going to head to bed in a moment, but I thought I'd make a quick update.

First, the pics below are of a tragic memorial near by. Apparently in 1999, the had a thunderstorm here which is a really rare thing. Thunder. Lightning the whole deal. This little memorial is at the top of the steps that lead down to the Metro (subway). What happened is that there was this concert-type of deal in the park (thousands in attendance), and then the thunderstorm came in an unexpected way. It totally freaked people out. They ran every which way. If I have my info right, 50 people were trampled to death in the subway tunnels. Incredible story, really. The first picture is of the little memorial they have set up. The second picture is harder to understand, sorry. Right next to the memorial are a few steps they've built, and those are large metal roses that are laying on the steps. It's really pretty cool in person. Thought I would share.

I'm into the home stretch when it comes to my time here. I spoke at two churches today, and both went well. It was great to be able to share that time with each of those churches. I also finished writing the final exam for the class I'm teaching, so that's good as well. I had to have it finished by tomorrow morning so it could be interpreted.

I'm thoroughly enjoying my time here, but I am definitely looking forward to coming home. Three weeks is a long time to be gone. I miss you all!

I'll post more as the week goes along.

Your prayers are lifting and supporting me. Endless thanks to all of you!


1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    So i was thinking of the thunderstorm thing and it thorws me off. Think of all the stuff that we take for granted every day... I went to aquire the fire this weekend with our kids and i got a shocking number. They are telling us that this generation (ages 13-17) makes up 25% of the worlds pop and only 4% will be christians if nothing is done. I know its random, but the fact that people there don't see storms and we see them daily remnids me of how many christians know Jesus but never share Him. How can you know if no one says anything. I know its a random comparison, but i'm sure you understand. I hope you have a safe trip home. I can't wait to talk to you about the trip over spring break (if you are open!)
    Much love & God bless

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